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In visualizing your success, you are creating a framework to build upon. A life is measured by the amount of visual planning that supersedes it—not necessarily by the amount of work put into achieving a goal.
When you can visualize your next move, your mind will find a way to make it happen. This could result in a chance encounter with the right person, or in a business proposition that suddenly presents itself.
Visual Architecture:
Pathways to a Richer Life
“Visualize this thing you want. See it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blueprint and begin.”
— Robert Collier
Visual imagination is the creative engine that builds new ventures. It takes an old idea, refines it, polishes it, and perfects it. It turns small businesses into Fortune 500 companies, and converts a good idea into an amazing one. Those who seek to build on this creative mental power have the potential to amass fortunes beyond their wildest dreams.
By integrating the tool of visualization in your daily habits, you develop the capability to become rich in every way. You are the visual architect supplying the plans and blueprints. You bring your ideas to the table; the visual imagination is the carpenter of your dreams.
Destiny Builder: A Short Exercise
Take some time to answer the questions below. This will provide energy to trigger your ideas, and kick-start your imagination into taking action. As you work through the material in this section, take time each day to sit down and think about what matters most to you.
What would you do if there were no limitations to the kind of life you desire?
How would you spend the rest of your days if you could do absolutely anything with your time?
What would it take for you accomplish everything you have ever dreamed possible?
What would make you the happiest person alive?
What are the opportunities available to you right now?
What is stopping you from taking advantage of these opportunities?
What opportunities do you wish you had? How will you create these opportunities?
What event do you envision that will have a profound impact on your life?
What earth-changing events do you visualize taking place in the world in the next fifty years?
What is the life you visualize living someday?
What actions could you take every day to bring you closer to achieving this dream?
This is the power of your mental construct. Use it consistently. The more you apply it and with greater frequency and consistency, the stronger your vision of the world you desire to live in becomes a reality.
Applying the Creative Force of Intentional
What is the kind of life you see yourself living in five years? Do you want to live in a new home in the mountains or by the sea? Take an adventurous trip around the world? Visit exotic locations or trek through the mountains of Nepal? How about scuba diving for old wrecks in Palau or Bali? Do you visualize yourself becoming a successful business entrepreneur? How about a published author? Could you be the next researcher who discovers a new cure?
Do you visualize meeting the partner of your dreams? Becoming a powerful public speaker or presenter? Do you envision yourself as a great leader with the ability to change the course of a nation’s future? Creating a new product that helps people improve their quality of life?
Once you put your creative imagination to work, visual imagery begins to form.
The source of your greatest power is not something you have to obtain; you already have all the tools you need. What you have been lacking is not knowledge or skill but a vision for the life you want to be leading.
Too many people have forgotten how to dream. They become ‘educated’ and brainwashed into thinking dreams are for kids. When we get to a certain stage in life, we are told to stop dreaming and start thinking realistically about the future. Where is this reality? Who is creating it? Why do we have to rely on someone else to give us the life we want?
As long as you allow the world to run the show for you, your destiny will always be in the hands of someone else. Your choices will be made for you, and you will become dependent on a system that will eventually fail you. Life fails those who give up on their dreams to follow someone else’s plan.
By tapping into the creativity of your unlimited imagination, the forces of the universe are triggered and immediately go to work to grant you all the things you can imagine, and much more.
I have heard many people say, “I have no imagination. I am not creative at all. I can’t draw, paint, or build anything!” Well, all of this might be true, except for the part about having no imagination. In most cases, it isn’t a lack of money, resources, or limited time that makes us fail—it is a lack of vision.
More people fail because of a lack of creative imagination. Unfortunately, those same people who think this way also live desperate lives of futility, never having accomplished their true dreams or attaining a level of success they feel comfortable with.
In the end, what matters is that you’re working toward something you feel good about. You don’t have to be a Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates to be considered successful. You just have to be you, and the success you feel is congruent with the principles you hold at great value.
Let your imagination run wild with all the things you’ve always imagined doing. Let go of the idea that you have to be realistic about what is possible; this is where our limitations exist. If you want a life that makes a difference, you have to become unconventional in your approach.
Free your visual artistry to explore, expand, and grow. Let your mind operate without restraint, without boundaries. You have to “see” the world you wish to live in.
The first step is to see what you want, then take the necessary actions to get there. When we can envision the life we want, the actions we need to take to move toward those goals are much clearer.
Visualizing the life you intend to lead is setting up all future actions to pivot toward making it happen. You are not just visualizing what you want to achieve, but how you are going to get there.
Visionary Architects
For centuries, people have been applying their imagination to create artistic visions of their lifelong dreams and goals. These master visionaries—from Confucius to Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs—have discovered again and again that what you visualize through imagination has a high probability of coming true.
Since the early days of ancient Greek philosophers and writers, the master visionaries have been telling us, “See what you want to achieve, imagine it as having already happened, and it will be yours.”
Visualizing the experiences you want to have is a concept that has been taught from the beginning. It still applies today in observing the success of world leaders, entertainers, and world class business moguls who have demonstrated what is possible when you have a purpose supported by vision, and the vision is supported by solid goals and strong beliefs.
Jim Henson, the famous puppeteer who changed the world of entertainment, applied his creative imagination to entertaining millions of people around the world with his unforgettable characters that appeared in both The Muppets and Sesame Street. Jim Henson, with his artistic imagination, could visualize the potential of television puppetry and pioneered great advances as a result.
Henson’s imagination gave life, emotion, and voices to some of the most well-known characters on television and in movies. His legacy is still alive today as millions of children (and adults) are entertained and educated through the visual concepts Henson began creating over fifty years ago.
Ray Kroc, a leader in the entrepreneurial business, visualized McDonald’s restaurants lined up and down every street in America. He applied a high-powered imagination to fulfilling his dreams. McDonald’s is now the largest hamburger fast food restaurant in the world, with over 31,000 stores worldwide serving tens of millions of people daily.
Legendary filmmak
er Steven Spielberg, when creating such blockbusters as Raiders of the Lost Ark and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, would visualize every scene frame by frame, and by utilizing the creative talent of visual artists, sketch out each scene step by step.
Through a visionary technique called storyboarding, filmmakers such as Spielberg were able to create each scene as it would appear in the film, adding greater depth and detail. Spielberg’s visual imagination has been shared with millions of people around the world for over forty years.
Walt Disney, the great American film producer and entertainer, visualized building the greatest theme park in the world. Although he died before its completion, his vision lived on in the minds of those closest to him, who completed what is known as Walt Disney World. Today, Walt Disney World Resort is the world’s largest and most frequented entertainment resort in the world, with millions of visitors each year.
Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, created a global vision that changed the world. He dreamed of a world in which consumerism was the key to peace, and this led to the mass production of inexpensive goods and high wages for workers.
His innovations led to the introduction of the assembly line, which enabled products to be mass-produced at reduced costs, designing a way of life in which the average middle-class American could afford an automobile, making him one of the richest and most powerful men in the world. Henry Ford’s visual acuity revolutionized the automobile industry and gave rise to a new era of growth and prosperity.
Thomas Edison—an American inventor, researcher, scientist, and businessman—became one of the world’s most prolific visionaries, with 1,093 patents in his name.
The inventor of the motion picture camera and the light bulb, Thomas Edison changed the world when he brought his vision to life with the implementation of electric power generation and distribution networks to factories, businesses, and homes.
Steve Jobs, co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc., was one of the greatest visionaries of the 21st century. Jobs possessed a magnificent visionary talent that allowed him to see the future potential of an idea, concept, or existing invention years ahead of competition.
Jobs’ creative genius and unique design sense led to the development of a wide range of high-level computer and portable electronic device technologies that continue to change the way people communicate and do business every day.
Gandhi freed a nation from British rule, and he manifested his goals with nothing more than a belief.
The imagination and visual creativity that worked for these world-class achievers is the same available to anyone. Visualization works for all of us. You only have to have the willingness to open up your mind to the unlimited potential available to you. Your imagination is the tool that can turn your vision into a reality.
The masters who have achieved personal success envisioned the world they wanted to create until there was no doubt within their conscious—and subconscious—minds that this was what they had to have.
The success of an individual begins with an idea, the idea grows into a possibility, and the possibility becomes a vision. The vision becomes a goal, and the goal, once a specific course of action is applied, is achieved to produce a set of desired results. This is the power of visual blueprinting.
Creating Your Visual Roadmap
Five Components for Creating a
Compelling Vision
“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight
and no vision.”
― Helen Keller
If you fail to create the vision of where you want to be and what you want to do and have, you will end up in a place you don’t really want to be, doing something you never wanted to do, stuck with the things you never desired in the first place.
You need a vision of where you are going. This visual roadmap is your guide for getting where you want to go. Without a clear map to follow, all roads will lead to dead ends.
Without a vision of what you want, you will always be at the mercy of circumstances created by others. But having formed a plan, you can be confident that the road you are on is the right one. Every great success story began with an idea, a vision, and a plan of action that consists of concrete steps.
When visualizing, follow these steps:
1. Decide what do you want to be, do, and have.
If you know exactly what you want, you can focus on obtaining it. Once you have made the decision and committed all your resources and energy to going after your dreams with a relentless passion, nothing can stop you. Concentrate on whatever fills you with excitement and keeps you awake late at night, thinking, “This is what I want! I must have it!”
Set aside twenty minutes in the morning and evening for this exercise. Sit quietly and imagine the life you are leading. What work are you doing? Where are you living? Who are you with? Where do you want to be a year from now? See yourself doing the work you love, spending time with people you care about. Make your vision as vivid as you can.
Make a firm decision about what you want to be, do, and have. By making a commitment to your new way of life, you will be more motivated to channel your energy into the areas that need your attention.
2. Believe in the power of your vision.
Your belief system is a support structure that holds a creative vision in place. It also supports the pillars of your imagination. When you apply the power of belief to your visual imagination, you are laying a foundation for the manifestation of your dreams. When you believe, you can push through any level of doubt and dissolve lack of confidence. Believing in your visions adds vitality to reality.
When you envision your future self, believing in that image is the first step to making it come true. Most people believe in what they can see and touch in the moment, so if it isn’t there right in front of you, it isn’t there at all. This way of thinking limits your vision and blocks the flow of the imagination.
If at first you don’t believe in what you’re seeing and visualizing, or if it seems too good to be true, keep working at it. Expand your visionary bubble and continue to push through the limitations of your mind. Tell yourself repeatedly, “I know I can have this. There is always a way, and I will find it.” Continue to tell yourself that, no matter how crazy or unrealistic it might appear to be. There’s always a way of making it happen.
Believing in your visualizations is the glue that binds the images together to create the world you would like to have. As you trust and have faith in yourself and what you are working for, remember that you will draw to you those things that you believe in the most and can imagine deeply.
The more vivid and detailed the images are, and the stronger you believe in yourself to achieve the impossible, the more driven you will be to work for your goals. A clear vision of where you want to be provides the context for a life that you could have.
3. Align your vision with present values.
Your visions should work together to support your current goals and values. All of this adds a deep and meaningful purpose to your life. Your visual imagery should focus on the values most important to you. If you haven’t already done so, make a list of values you will strengthen. Write down these values and commit them to memory.
Then, when you apply your visual imagery to manifesting the person you desire to become, put these values at the very forefront of your imagination. See yourself living these values as if you have already acquired mastery over them. Eventually, without even realizing it, you will have developed and acquired the values that you cherish. Now create the visions that build a solid foundation of self-worth and meaning.
4. Visualize with consistency.
Visualization takes a lot of work before you start to see any results. This isn’t just a fast and simple way to get anything you want through wishful thinking and daydreaming; it requires your time and effort in order to grow into something real. Like any tool, it is only as useful as the skill of the one who controls it. The key is to practice this skill on a consistent a
nd regular schedule, and to practice it every day, even if only for ten minutes.
You can do this anytime during the day—when you’re on an elevator, in a coffee shop, or standing in line at the supermarket. Use every opportunity to apply your thoughts and build your visions.
If you can’t find the time, make the time—even if it’s only for five or ten minutes here and there. The secret to mastering any skill is practice. Practice leads to excellence, and excellence leads to self-mastery.
5. Utilize positive affirmations.
An affirmation, or mantra, is a powerful method of convincing the subconscious that a belief or situation already exists.
Through consistently creating and repeating positive statements to yourself, you can turn off the inner rampant dialogue that has been running things and replace it with healthier, more vibrant words of choice that express the emotions and experiences you desire to create. Affirmations follow a set of basic standards, like the ones below:
An affirmation is always positive and in the present tense.
Affirmations are short, concise, and to the point.
An affirmation is personal. It focuses on a belief, value, or principle you desire to integrate into your mental functions.
An affirmation conveys emotion and feelings.
Affirmations support your deepest values, and always express the person you are striving to become.
Here are some examples of positive affirmations you can use in your daily life to bring more positive and creative energy into your life.
Everything in the universe is coming together every day to build purpose in my life.
I have everything I need within me. My life is overflowing with abundance.
Everything I visualize happening in my life also desires to be created. It is made real the moment I decide it will happen.
Now, create some of your own affirmations to use every day and enjoy the state of relaxation they bring you.